unlike all pages on facebook script 2019

In this tutorial  i will show how to unlike all pages at once on facebook
Go we will do this on google chrome .
Step one:
go to Likes section in your profile & click the like link. 

Then your Page redirected to the likes page. Scowl   down , do not and you will show all pages that you   have liked before. refers  your browser in this time.
 now type " CTRL+SHIFT+I" . Notice the right site and click on console .

Copy the code blew

// Get hold of all 'Liked' Buttons sherpur
var buttons = document.getElementsByClassName('PageLikedButton');

then paste the code on the console box. & hit enter

Now paste  the second code
on console box and hit enter.
// trigger click on all 'Liked' Buttons, to get unlike popovers
for(let button of buttons){button.click();};

 After this. you will see floating  unlike option on the all liked pages .
note: Do not refers your page in this time.

In the last step,
copy & paste the code on console box , like step 1,2.

// Get hold of all the unlike links
var unlikes = document.getElementsByClassName('itemLabel');
// trigger click on all unlike popovers
for(let unlike of unlikes){unlike.click();}

 Now hit enter. 
all done . your all pages unliked    
 if you dont understand by reading this article.
you can watch this video tutorial below......

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